Our company in story form
At Voets & Donkers we love good stories. A good story about quality. A good story about sustainability. And a good story about social entrepreneurship. On this page, we would like to list some of our stories for you. Often topical, sometimes about a recent project, sometimes about the people who work for us or about our vision. But always worth reading. This way, you might get to know our company a little better. We regularly post fresh blogs here. We’ll keep you posted!
Techniek Toekomst Magazine

A great article about Voets & Donkers in the Techniek Toekomst Magazine. This magazine underlines the importance of technical education and good professionals for technical companies. The magazine surprises and inspires! Are you curious about our article?
Ready fot the 'next generation'

At industrial estate Groote Wetering in Bodegraven, a lot of effort is being put into the expansion of Vergeer Holland. In addition to the renowned cheese supplier’s existing distribution centre, a 22 metre high building will be constructed for the maturing and storage of cheese.
Top sport mentality

If Marc wants to go right, Peter first wishes to examine the route map. Does Peter want to rethink an idea and discuss the pros and cons? Then Marc is already convinced. “It has been going so well all these years, because we think in different ways”, Peter tells. “Marc is rather impulsive, while I am more of a calculating type. This combination has proved to be successful.”
The growth of ‘our’ Luc

I already knew him when he was a little boy and befriended my son. I saw him grow up, and leave primary school via VMBO to go to the Koning Willem I College in Den Bosch. He didn’t really know what he wanted, but at least it had to be something with his hands. Something with engineering. Something with installation or electronics. That’s how he ended up in the Installation Engineering programme. And how about an internship with us?
Crispbread part 4

A new project for a large fresh centre in Sweden. How do we approach that? In a number of blogs, we would like to take you into our world. In this blog: Ron Eerhart (chief technician) about the installation in Sweden, working abroad and fraternisation.
Blue and green make red

They drove (and drive) our company buses with this print since the ’90s. And so we thought it was time for something new. A look that is more contemporary, but above all, a look that does more justice to our vision and business philosophy. That’s why we hired an agency that could help us with this. In consultation with us, they did have some ideas. And that’s how the ball started rolling.
Crispbread part 3

A new project for a large fresh centre in Sweden. How do we approach that? In a number of blogs, we would like to take you into our world. In this blog: Wilco de Laat (workshop manager) about the production of the machine room, the transport and the way everything is double-checked.
Crispbread part 2

A new project for a large fresh centre in Sweden. How do we approach that? In a number of blogs, we would like to take you into our world. In this blog: Derk Alkema (process engineer refrigeration technology) and Michael van der Meijden (3D draftsman) about the development, drawing and calculation work needed to realise the project.
Crispbread part 1

A new project for a large fresh centre in Sweden. How do we approach that? In a number of blogs, we would like to take you into our world. In this blog: Peter Donkers with an introduction to the project.
Distribution centre Lidl

Supermarket chain Lidl has a name to uphold when it comes to sustainable housing. The newest addition to the tribe is the Lidl distribution centre (DC) in Oosterhout, Gelderland, which is good for a BREEAM NL Outstanding certificate. Some excerpts from the piece published on, a website of RCC K&L.
Growing further

Who are you, what do you want and what suits you? These are questions we regularly ask our employees. Because within Voets & Donkers you can go in all kinds of directions. From work planner to purchaser, from technician to foreman, engineer or project leader.
Fighting cancer

A while ago I was approached by Ton Kanters. Ton invited me to an event that initially seemed to be far outside my world: the Meierijstad Fight Cancer Night. Fighting cancer.
Advanced and energy efficient

Based on projects already completed for Lidl, an improved modern and energy-efficient design has been made for the new distribution centre based on the natural refrigerants ammonia (NH3) and carbon dioxide (CO2).
Ondernemend Nederland

In the spring of 2016, Voets & Donkers was shown twice at Ondernemend Nederland of RTL7. The broadcast was about food, packaging and refrigeration. Our management will tell you more about how our solutions contribute within the industry and what the future developments are in this area.
Kleinfruitdag 2016

On Thursday, 9 June, Voets & Donkers was present at the Kleinfruitdag 2016. This is an international open day for growers of red and blue berries, raspberries and blackberries. We were there as an exhibitor at the information fair.
The SFC of Albert Heijn

It’s new, it’s innovative, but most of all, Albert Heijn’s new Shared Fresh Centre is big. With a floor area of almost 42,000 m2, it is one of the largest fresh food distribution centres in the Netherlands.
Working in Australia

From kangaroos to aboriginals and Australian football, Australia has captured the imagination of Europeans for centuries. Voets & Donkers was allowed to install an air treatment system for cheese maturation there in the spring of 2015.
Friesland Campina

FrieslandCampina’s new research centre will house so-called test cells: small, conditioned rooms for dairy-related research. Voets en Donkers B.V. builds these test cells and installs the systems for air treatment and cooling technology.
Environmentally friendly

For the ND Logistics project in Nieuwegein, Voets en Donkers Koeltechniek is providing the complete cooling installation to keep the building between 0 and 2 degrees Celsius.
Energy-efficient cooling

The company Groentehof BV, supplier of ready-to-eat vegetables, expanded its production location in Helmond with two shipping areas in 2006. These are maximally insulated. Plus, an additional cooling system was installed, according to the latest state of the art.
African adventure

Tropical heat and extreme humidity is what you will find in Heineken’s brewery in the Nigerian capital of Lagos. The beer is packed in cardboard, whereby the beer is briefly exposed to the open air.