Cooling and freezing cells
Voets & Donkers specialises in cooling and air treatment systems. But you can also come to us for the construction of your entire cold store or freezer. This ranges from a single regular cold store to special, advanced applications and large cold store complexes.
When building a high-quality cold store or freezer cell, it’s all about the details. These ensure, among other things, the correct thermal insulation. The better the cell is insulated, the lower the energy consumption. The insulation value is provided not just by the thickness of the wall and ceiling panels, but the finish of the cell also plays a role. Each heat conducting connection between the inside and outside of the cell is a thermal bridge and ensures that heat from the outside enters the cold store. Details during the construction of a cold store or freezer provide the finishing touch. Details that our technicians know well. That is why at Voets & Donkers, we have the right knowledge and experience to customise a high-quality cold store or freezer cell for you.
Special applications
In addition to the regular cold stores, we also supply cold stores and freezer cells for special applications, such as cold stores for the storage of unpackaged fruits. For this purpose, we develop hermetically sealed cold stores, in which a different oxygen and/or carbon dioxide content prevails. Because of the required airtightness, these so-called ‘CA cells’ or ‘ULO cells’ require an even higher level of finishing. At Voets & Donkers we have the right knowledge and skills to meet these higher technical requirements.
Refrigeration cells and suction walls
For certain products, it is essential that they are refrigerated quickly. After all, this ensures optimal shelf life, quality and taste. We supply special cooling cells or suction walls for this purpose. This enables us to supply each customer with a custom-made suction wall that is precisely tailored to the process in terms of capacity and to the existing cold store in terms of finish (if desired). It is also possible to choose a plastic suction wall, because of the good hygienic properties of this material.
Are you looking for a partner who will take care of the complete design and realisation of your cold store or freezer cell? Customisation is our standard, and cooling technology is our strength. We will be happy to help you. With an efficient, sustainable and high-quality result.

Sectors with Cooling and freezing cells
Fresh produce

Optimum taste, quality and shelf life are of great importance in the fresh produce sector. At Voets & Donkers we have the knowledge, experience and expertise to offer added value as a refrigeration company. We have many customers in the fresh produce sector: from small-scale farms to large fresh centres. With cold stores and freezers in all shapes and sizes, we offer a wide range of possibilities. Whether it concerns a cold store on the farm, a vegetable-processing factory or a large (refrigerated) warehouse… we are at your service!

The conditions under which medicines are produced, processed and stored are of great importance for their quality. As a pharmaceutical manufacturer or wholesaler, you need a reliable partner in this field. At Voets & Donkers we have extensive experience in creating exactly the right air conditions for the storage of medication.
Food products

As a producer or processor of food, you know that hygiene is essential. The air quality must be optimal so that no contamination enters the packaging or the product during processing or packing. At Voets & Donkers, we specialise in creating an ultra-clean air quality for the production, processing and storage of food products.

Sustainability is very important in our society today. We ‘have to’ get rid of the gas, and we also try to limit our use of electricity as much as possible. At Voets & Donkers, our installations contribute to sustainability in three ways: we use natural refrigerants, we develop energy-efficient installations and we make heat recovery possible.