Own workshop
At Voets & Donkers, quick communication and flexibility towards our customers are paramount. Because we have our own spacious workshop, we can guarantee this flexibility for you optimally.
In our workshop, we build our cooling installations and air handling units. Moreover, we can test these here ourselves. It goes without saying that we have all the necessary machines and equipment in-house to develop our refrigeration systems. We also have our own metal department. Here, the necessary support structures are made in-house that are necessary for the construction of a cooling installation. This way, we are not dependent on external parties in the construction of our installations and offer optimum flexibility – before, during and after the production phase of a project.
The engineering that precedes the production phase makes it possible to make many of the installation parts as ‘intermediate products’. This means we can make many people work in parallel and processes run in parallel. That is how we build a machine room in a modular way today. The modules are assembled in our own workshop instead of on location. This is more pleasant for our technicians, but above all much more efficient for you!

Sectors at own workshop
Cheese maturation

As a cheese producer, you know better than anyone that there are countless types of cheese and that each cheese has its own properties. The air conditions in your warehouse play a major role in this; after all, they determine to a large extent how your cheese matures and (therefore) tastes. Voets & Donkers is a specialist in creating exactly those conditions that optimise cheese maturation and give your cheese its own characteristic and perfect taste.
Fresh produce

Optimum taste, quality and shelf life are of great importance in the fresh produce sector. At Voets & Donkers we have the knowledge, experience and expertise to offer added value as a refrigeration company. We have many customers in the fresh produce sector: from small-scale farms to large fresh centres. With cold stores and freezers in all shapes and sizes, we offer a wide range of possibilities. Whether it concerns a cold store on the farm, a vegetable-processing factory or a large (refrigerated) warehouse… we are at your service!

The conditions under which medicines are produced, processed and stored are of great importance for their quality. As a pharmaceutical manufacturer or wholesaler, you need a reliable partner in this field. At Voets & Donkers we have extensive experience in creating exactly the right air conditions for the storage of medication.

Sustainability is very important in our society today. We ‘have to’ get rid of the gas, and we also try to limit our use of electricity as much as possible. At Voets & Donkers, our installations contribute to sustainability in three ways: we use natural refrigerants, we develop energy-efficient installations and we make heat recovery possible.